Step 22: Pinch the two corners at the bottom of the blue diamond and lift them upwards and outwards. Use your other fingers to make sure the paper folds along the creases you made previously, as shown by the blue lines.
Watch the video below to help.
This clip shows you how to do step 22, and what step 23 should look like!

Step 23: As you raise the corners out, the bottom layer of paper will lift up to make this boat shape

Step 24: Press the paper down when the top of both sides of the ‘boat’ are alligned

Step 25: Fold the inner right corner diagonally along the blue crease line indicated. Repeat on the left corner.

Step 26: Your creation should now look like this!

Step 27: Starting at the bottom of the paper, fold along each blue crease line indicated, alternating between folding upwards and downwards to create a concertina/fan effect

Step 28: The fist two folds should look like this

Step 29: Continue folding until you reach the top of the horizontal paper