Difficulty: Easy

Just look at this practical handmade origami envelope! It’s so easy to make in just 15 simple steps!
What will you put inside your envelope when it is complete? Who will you send it to?

Step 1: Begin with a square piece of origami paper – we’ve used single sided paper but you can use double sided if you would like the inside of your envelope to be colourful too

Step 2: Fold the bottom edge of the paper up to meet the top edge, creasing along the centre horizontal line

Step 3: Open up the paper

Step 4: Fold the bottom edge of the paper up to meet the central crease line

Step 5: Unfold the last crease

Step 6: Fold the bottom edge of the paper up to meet the lowest crease line

Step 7: Fold the bottom edge on the paper up to meet the central fold line, creasing where indicated in blue

Step 8: Fold the top edge of the paper down to meet the lowest fold line, creasing where indicated in blue

Step 9: Your envelope should now look like this