Step 12: Fold the same corner back to where it was like this

Step 13: Turn the dollar bill over and make the point face downwards

Step 14: This step is a little tricky, but don’t worry! We recommend that you have a look at our dollar bill shirt and tie video to help you understand the step. Do you see the little white triangle at the point of the dollar bill? This fold starts from the two corners of that triangle. You need to fold the sides in behind it. Look at the next step.

Step 15: As you make those folds you will see a little ‘tie’ shape pop out. Crease the lines firmly to define the edges.

Step 16: Flip the dollar bill over. Don’t worry about the tie shape disappearing, we will put it back in the next step!

Step 17: Fold along the yellow lines to recreate the tie shape.

Step 18. Your dollar bill should now look like this.

Step 19: Now fold the tip of the tie downwards, along the yellow line shown.

Step 20: Your dollar bill should now look like this.

Step 21: Fold the sides in towards the centre, along the yellow lines shown.

Step 22: Your dollar bill should now look like this.