Step 14: Take the point from the left hand side and fold it upwards like this to make Yoda’s left ear.
Step 15: And then do the same with the right hand side
Step 16: Yoda doesn’t have a pointy chin! So fold up the point at the bottom just slightly to flatten it.
Step 17: Turn it over (or just use the Force if you’re a Jedi).
Step 18: Now for the robe (which also acts as the stand). Get another piece of square origami paper.
Step 19: Fold the right hand corner over to the left hand side, and crease firmly down the middle.
Step 20: Unfold the paper
Step 21: Note the angle of the fold here. Take the left hand edge and fold it so that the corner is just over the centre line.
Step 22: Do the same with the right hand side.